UPCOMING: Saturday, April 5, 2025
Registration For 2025 Race Is Now Open!
Join us for our 5th Annual Airpark 5K, located in Hanover County, for an enjoyable flat road race! Fun for everyone!
The day includes a Fun Zone, a Mascot Dash with some of your favorite local mascots, the 5K race and an awards ceremony, where the top three finishers in each category (Adult Male, Adult Female and Teen) are awarded a ribbon and high-value prizes!
Congrats to our 2024 top finishers!!
Mascot: McGruff the Crime Dog;
Teen: 1st - Bryce Cumming; 2nd - Logan Lekberg; 3rd - Alex Bellino;
Women: 1st - Laura Grumbach; 2nd - Julie Dubee; 3rd - Gabrielle Wood;
Men: 1st - Nick Zweerick; 2nd - Daniel Edwards; 3rd - Jose Romero
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