As area citizens and business owners, we know decisions made by the local, state and federal government impact our daily lives. That’s why we believe active involvement and collaboration between our elected representatives and our members is essential. Chamber members have the opportunity to meet representatives from all levels of government at events throughout the year. We serve as an educator for pertinent government affairs issues and keep members informed of legislation or changes that may affect their businesses or land ownership.
getting involvedOur Civic Engagement Committee works to stay informed on key issues in the area and ensure our dialogue with elected officials, public safety representatives and area partners remain open. We do this by fostering relationships with area organizations, inviting officials to events, organizing meet-and-greet opportunities with representatives, holding an annual Legislative Update breakfast, and sharing news from our County and Commonwealth. The committee is Co-Chaired by the Executive Director and a Chamber Board Member, and any interested (non-board) chamber member is welcome to participate. Additionally, those on any chamber committee are invited to attend our annual 'Day at the Capital' and visit with Virginia House and Senate representatives. |
The Chamber wants to hear about your experiences and feedback on working with the County and area officials. We meet regularly with our public servants - such as the county administrator, town manager and state elected officials - to make sure we are sharing business concerns and recommendations for better service. Let us know about your experiences; we can share these without the need to reveal your identity and ensure your thoughts are heard.
Please use the following pages/links as a resource for staying connected and informed.
Contact our Executive Director, Marianne Powell, with questions, updates or comments.
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