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ABOUT virginia

The COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA was the 10th state given Statehood in 1788. The name “Commonwealth” is a designation used by four of the 50 states to symbolically emphasize that these states have a "government based on the common consent of the people". (The other Commonwealths are Kentucky, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.)

Virginia is nicknamed the "Old Dominion" because of its status as the first English colonial settlement in mainland North America (Jamestown 1607). Virginia is also called the "Mother of Presidents" since 8 U.S. presidents were born and lived here, more than any other state: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson.

Virginia has a total area of 42,774.2 square miles (110,784.7 km2), including 3,180.13 square miles (8,236.5 km2) of water, making it the 35th-largest state by area. The state population is 8,001,024 (2010).

The VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY is the oldest continuous law-making body in the US. It is composed of 100 House members and 40 Senate members. The Virginia General Assembly begins each year on the second Wednesday in January. During odd-numbered years a short 30-day session is held, and on the even-numbered years a longer 60-day session is held.


Use the "Who's My Legislator?" online tool, through the VA General Assembly, to see who your elected representatives are.

Visit the Voter Registration site to update your registration, register for the first time or see what's on your upcoming ballot.

virginia elected officials

Information reflects November 2022 elections to the best of our knowledge. Contact the office of your representatives directly to confirm.


Governor, Glenn Youngkin

1111 East Broad Street

Richmond, VA 23219

Phone:  804-786-2211

U.S. Senator, Tim Kaine

Richmond Office

919 East Main Street, Suite 970

Richmond, VA 23219

Phone:  804-771-2221

Washington DC Office: Phone:  202-224-4024

U.S. Senator, Mark R. Warner

Richmond Office

919 E. Main Street, Suite 630

Richmond, VA  23219

Phone:  804-775-2314

Washington DC Office: Phone: 202-224-2023

U.S. Congressman, Rob Wittman (1st District)

508 Church Road

Tappahannock, VA 22560

Phone:  804-443--0668

Hanover Office: 804-730-6595

U.S. Congressman, Bob Good (5th District)

1213 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Congressional Districts Map

Members of Congress

Attorney General

Jason Miyares

202 North 9th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Phone:  804-786-2071 

Senator, Ryan T. McDougle (26th Senatorial District)


Capitol Office

Senate of Virginia

Richmond, VA 23218

Phone: 804- 698-7504

District Office

P.O. Box 187

Mechanicsville, VA 23111

Phone: 804-730-1026

Senator, John McGuire10th Senatorial District)


11357 Nuckols Road, #156
Glen Allen, VA 23059

General Assembly Building

Richmond, VA 23218


Click here for Virginia House of Delegates Member Listing

Delegate, Hyland "Buddy" Fowler (59th House District)


Capital Office

General Assembly Building

Richmond, VA 23218

Phone: 804-698-1055

District Office

10321 Washington Highway

Glen Allen, VA 23059

Phone: 804-305-8867

Delegate, Scott Wyatt (60th House District)


Capital Office

General Assembly Building

Richmond, VA  23218

Phone: 804-698-1097

District Office

P.O. Box 365

Mechanicsville, VA 23111

Phone: 804-442-2737

11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005

804-442-2093 |


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