"My Chamber Story" Ep. 1 - Megan Underwood, Closet Factory
Introducing "My Chamber Story," a video series dedicated to showcasing the power of business-to-business relationships cultivated by the Hanover Chamber of Commerce. This series is designed to highlight the impact that the Chamber has had on local businesses within our community. It will serve as a platform to spotlight the exceptional outcomes that arise when businesses join forces through the Hanover Chamber. We hope you will enjoy witnessing the journey of business growth and collaboration in "My Chamber Story."
Click here to watch Episode 1 of "My Chamber Story" or click the image below.
"My Chamber Story" Ep. 2 - Bobby Broyles, Blazer Heating, Air and Plumbing
In this episode of “My Chamber Story” Bobby Broyles with Blazer Heating, Air and Plumbing shares his experience working with several Hanover Chamber of Commerce members that he has developed business relationships with. These fellow Hanover Chamber members assisted Bobby with several different services throughout the process of his company’s new building construction and the building’s ribbon cutting celebration. Bobby shares the value he believes there is in connecting with local businesses through the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.
Click here to watch Episode 2 of "My Chamber Story" or click the image below.
"My Chamber Story" Ep. 3 - Stacey Spear, S&S Painting
Click here to watch Episode 2 of "My Chamber Story" or click the image below.
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