The Hanover Chamber of Commerce invites members to get engaged by becoming involved with a Chamber Committee. There are many committees open to any active member; we welcome and encourage you to participate. These small groups are great ways to connect with your fellow members and learn more about our community. TO JOIN A COMMITTEE OR TEAM email or call our office so we can add you to the committee.
A Chamber Ambassador is excited and knowledgeable about our organization! Ambassadors help recruit new members, attend and assist with ribbon cuttings, and serve as great connectors to new members attending events. Ambassadors are a wonderful extension of our staff, ever-present promoters and essential to our success. Meets quarterly. AIRPARK DIVISION Specific support and programming to businesses within the Hanover Airpark footprint. This includes security initiatives, networking, programing and community events. See more on the Airpark Division webpage. Meets quarterly. MAGAZINE/DIRECTORY (NEW) This committee will assist in the coordination of the annual Discover Hanover County VA magazine, including assistance with obtaining pictures, articles and review of final proof. Will begin meeting in April. | COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETINGThis committee will aid in guiding the creation of promotional documents, continually improving our methods and platforms and generally promoting and telling the story of the chamber well. It also considers how we share about and promote our fantastic members. Meets quarterly. PROGRAMMING Helps to build a calendar of regular Chamber events that include networking opportunities, business building workshops and community updates, while ensuring the programs provide not only a social aspect but always something of value. This committee will also consider the viability of new or special events or community engagement projects. Meets October to January. | ParadesThis fun-loving team will create, design, build, drive and ride on our holiday floats for local parades in late November and early December. NEW ERA An initiative to educate and develop professionals young in age or new to their careers by providing networking, career development and volunteer opportunities. Meets quarterly. SPECIAL EVENT TEAMS Our "Signature Events" require a few extra hands and a few unique ideas! These teams help make our big events more fun and run smoothly.
A NOTE - The Chamber has three additional committees, open to board members and legacy leaders only... The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE is comprised of the Board President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Past-President and the Executive Director. This team is charged with putting the overall chamber-vision into practice and serves as the primary leadership effort of our organization. The NOMINATING COMMITTEE is chaired by the current Past-President and includes 3-5 of the most immediate past-presidents, the current board President and the Executive Director. Each year, this team will discuss, request and present a Slate of Officers prior to the Annual Member Gala to be voted as the next leadership Board. The MEMBER ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE is chaired by the current Vice-President and focuses on strong retention and engagement of our membership.
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