October 13
14151 Boondock Lane, Montpelier 23192
Range Open 3-5:30pm
Reception & Networking 5:30-7:30pm
*Guests must be registered to pass gate checkpoint
About Our Host
Founded over 50 years ago CRPC has provided many individuals with the chance to learn to use firearms in a safe and effective manner. The club offers its members the opportunity for recreational as well as competitive shooting. With six shooting ranges the club can support a wide variety of firearms.
Event Series Essentials Our Business After Hours Series is an informal way for professionals to socialize and network while also visiting a different Hanover County businesses each month. Invite a guest or bring a valued customer! Tickets are $10 for members (early registration), $15 late registration and non-members. Food and beverages will be provided. Payments – online via PayPal; checks or cash onsite. Email marianne@hanoverchamberva.com or call 798-8130 with any questions.
11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005
804-442-2093 | info@hanoverchamberva.com
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