Bypass the hassle and register for chamber events at a discount with our Passport!
There are 20 standard events in 2017 - 6 Breakfast Seminars, 10 Business After Hours, 4 New Suite Luncheons
Event Passport: 12 events for only $110
Mini Event Passport: 6 events for only $55
Use your Passport throughout the year. Quick, designated on-site name tag pickup. No late registration fees. Two people can be listed as users of the Passport and one or both can use it at any given time.
Come travel the county with us!

This offer is exclusively available to Chamber Members and registration for these 2017 Passports must be done on/before February 3, 2017. The Passport does not include a Salute to Our Heroes, the Annual Dinner, Celebrate Hanover or other special events that may occur.
Contact Marianne Powell at the Chamber office with any questions.
804-442-2093 | marianne@hanoverchamberva.com