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Business After Hours - CodeBlue Technology

  • November 17, 2021
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • 9204 Center Oak Ct, Suite C, Mechanicsville


  • through November 12
  • *Registration code required
  • First Responders

Registration is closed

Hosted by CodeBlue Technology

November 17

5-7pm | 9204 Center Oak Ct, Suite C, Mechanicsville

Join us at their new location in the Rutland area for food, beverages and networking - plus a ribbon cutting for the new building at 4:45pm.

About Our Host

CodeBlue Technology is the IT solutions and implementations team for your business. Our group of engineers and solutions specialists will work to protect, improve, and automate your business at scale, with technology. Customers come to CodeBlue for guidance and leadership through IT decisions. Partners depend on CodeBlue for kind and courteous service to resolve tough technical issues. Our mission is to understand and simplify IT challenges with expert service and care in resolution.

By attending, you accept the risk that any interaction with the general public poses an elevated possibility of being exposed to COVID-19, and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during the event.

Series Essentials Tour the county & visit different Hanover companies with our Business After Hours Series. More like grownup field trips than stodgy-mingles, these relaxed events make networking more fun! Invite a guest or bring a valued customer.

Registration & Payment Registration is $20 for member (early) registration and $35 for non-members. Nibbles & beverages provided. Payments online; check/cash only onsite. 2020 Event Passports are accepted for this event.

 Email or call 442-2093 with questions.

11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005

804-442-2093 |


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