Thursday, July 25
5-7pm | 7025 Pole Green Rd, Mechanicsville
About Our Host
Come check out our new location along with some refreshments! At Blazer Heating, Air, and Plumbing, we provide high-quality heating and air conditioning, & plumbing services throughout The Greater Richmond Community. Our certified and licensed technicians have the skill-set, experience, and resources necessary to handle all of your HVAC & plumbing needs in a timely and effective manner. We will finish the job in accordance to your timeframe and budget. Additionally, we will ensure you are 100% satisfied with the finished product. We can help you maintain comfortable temperatures in your residents year round. Whether you are in need of system repairs or maintenance – we will get the job done right the first time. At Blazer, we live by our motto of “Bringing Comfort Home!”
Come check out our new location along with some refreshments!
At Blazer Heating, Air, and Plumbing, we provide high-quality heating and air conditioning, & plumbing services throughout The Greater Richmond Community. Our certified and licensed technicians have the skill-set, experience, and resources necessary to handle all of your HVAC & plumbing needs in a timely and effective manner. We will finish the job in accordance to your timeframe and budget. Additionally, we will ensure you are 100% satisfied with the finished product. We can help you maintain comfortable temperatures in your residents year round. Whether you are in need of system repairs or maintenance – we will get the job done right the first time. At Blazer, we live by our motto of “Bringing Comfort Home!”
Series Essentials Tour the county & visit different Hanover companies with our Business After Hours Series. More like grownup field trips than stodgy-mingles, these relaxed events make networking more fun! Invite a guest or bring a valued customer.
Registration & Payment Registration is $20 for member (early) registration and $35 for non-members. Nibbles & beverages provided. Payments online; check/cash only onsite.
Email or call 804-800-5859 with questions.
11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005
804-442-2093 |
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