Thursday, August 22
5-7pm | 7301 River Rd, Hanover
(Rain date: Friday, August 23rd)
About Our Host
Built between 1810 and 1820, historical Dundee was the home of General JEB Stuart’s cousins. During the Civil War, General Stuart and his wife lived in the large manor. The property was a camping ground for both armies and Dundee shows marks by bullets from both sides. In the 1990’s the farm underwent a three-year transformation, restored to its original splendor by the Barrett family.
Series Essentials Tour the county & visit different Hanover companies with our Business After Hours Series. More like grownup field trips than stodgy-mingles, these relaxed events make networking more fun! Invite a guest or bring a valued customer.
Registration & Payment Registration is $20 for member (early) registration and $35 for non-members. Nibbles & beverages provided. Payments online; check/cash only onsite.
Email or call 442-2093 with questions.
11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005
804-442-2093 |
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