Wednesday, September 11
Walnut Grove Baptist Church
7046 Cold Harbor Rd, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Hanover High School's Orchestra under the direction of
Ms. Lucretia Davis will perform followed by a military flag ceremony presented by the Mechanicville American Legion Post 175.
MCEF is Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions - provides rides for senior adults as well as food, clothing, linens, and financial assistance for rent & utilities to our neighbors in need since 1976!
Suggestion donation: $5 & 2 cans/boxes of food/person
Hanover Community Calendar events are promoted by the Hanover Chamber of Commerce but are not in any way sponsored, organized, or run by the Chamber. If there are any questions regarding a community event, contact the organizer.
11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005
804-442-2093 |
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