Hosted by Ace Handyman & Rise and Shine Diner
Thursday, March 27
5-7pm | Rise and Shine Diner
10372 Leadbetter Rd, Ashland
About Our Host
"Welcome to Ace Handyman Services RVA, where your home improvement needs meet excellence in service. Our dedication to the vibrant Hanover Henrico community is at the core of what we do. We pride ourselves on community involvement, prioritizing customer satisfaction, and delivering outstanding craftsmanship."
Series Essentials Tour the county & visit different Hanover companies with our Business After Hours Series. More like grownup field trips than stodgy-mingles, these relaxed events make networking more fun! Invite a guest or bring a valued customer.
Registration & Payment Registration is $20 for member (early) registration and $35 for non-members. Nibbles & beverages provided. Payments online; check/cash only onsite.
Email or call 442-2093 with questions.
11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005
804-442-2093 |
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