Tuesday, May 6, 9-11am
Hanover Tavern, 13181 Hanover Courthouse Rd, Hanover
The Disaster Recovery Workshop for Business is designed to help businesses strengthen their ability to recover from disruptions and disasters. This FREE workshop will be led by Lt. Daniel Gordon, Deputy Emergency Manager, Hanover Fire-EMS. Lt. Gordon will provide practical guidance and worksheets on disaster preparedness, business continuity planning, and strategies to minimize financial and operational disruptions. Attendees will learn how to assess risks, develop emergency response plans, and access recovery resources to ensure business resilience in the face of unexpected events. Whether you own a small business or manage a larger operation, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to safeguard your business and recover quickly.
Workshop is free, registration is necessary.
Questions: Ann Glave with Hanover County Economic Development at agglave@hanovervirginia.com or 804-365-6459.
Event Partners
11211 Air Park Rd, Suite 2, Ashland, VA 23005
804-442-2093 | info@hanoverchamberva.com
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